Când Building Information Model este utilizat la potențialul cel mai mare, aceasta poate optimiza întregul proces de construcție, de la proiectarea preliminară timpurie până la construcție și exploatare.

Curba MacLeamy afișată a fost dezvoltată de către Patrick MacLeamy, președintele HOK (firma de proiectare arhitecturală globală), pentru a reprezenta avantajele înlocuirii unui flux de lucru tradițional centrat pe redactare cu un flux de lucru BIM.

Investiția în faza de proiectare detaliată în fluxul de lucru BIM permite o mai mare capacitate de impact asupra costurilor și performanței, ceea ce duce la reducerea costurilor generale. Prin concentrarea eforturilor în faza de proiectare, fluxul de lucru BIM poate economisi mult timp, efort și resurse ulterior.

The MacLeamy curve

Beneficiile de a lucra cu BIM includ următoarele:

Simplified Clash Detection

The project team can find discrepancies between various disciplines earlier in the project and avoid reworking later on when costs and time needed increase. For example, if a structural beam conflicts with a mechanical duct, it could be noticed within the BIM model and resolved prior to construction.

Increase in Productivity

Better collaboration, reduced errors, and fewer requests for information and
confusion on the construction site are a few of the ways BIM brings about more productive workflows. The dynamic features of BIM software allow for faster design changes and embedded data in the model shared with the entire project team saves communication time.

Time and Cost Savings

Along with increased productivity, comes savings in labor and material costs on a project, from the design phase through to construction. Because design and construction are dynamically linked in the BIM workflow, time needed to execute design changes, and produce construction documentation is reduced significantly.

Higher Returns on Investment (ROI)

According to the McGraw-Hill Construction report, over 80% of expert BIM users report positive returns. After initial investment and BIM workflow integration, most project teams notice reduced design change costs, less time needed to manage requests for information during construction and ultimately an optimized profit-earning potential.

Gain Competitive Advantage

BIM is becoming more commonly requested by clients, owners and governmental agencies. Therefore, to be able to offer superior services to your clients, you have to maintain a competitive edge. Your clients will be happy to hear how they too can save time and money by working with you.

Smoother Handovers

Detailed data about every aspect of the building is factored into the BIM model. Therefore, it is a true digital representation of the building, which can be provided to the building owner for easier long term operation, maintenance and repairs.